Thursday, March 27, 2008
Dick Cheney's Been Preparing for An Economic Collapse
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
NYC Cops Beating Up Protesters in Front of U.N Headquarters
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Clinton Says Sleep Deprivation Caused Her Bosnia Lie
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Hillary or Nobody?
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
Change is real
Change Congress
One of the things that intrigued is finally a good wording on a problem that seemed to have so many angles and nothing to pin down, but as as Lessig said:
"The problem we face is ... the problem of crony capitalism using money to capture government," he said on Monday during the launch of his project in Washington, DC. "The challenge is whether in fact we can change this. The political experts tell you that it can't be done, that process always win over substance."
The premise is this: Members of Congress Have four things they must PLEDGE by: (1) a promise not to accept PAC or lobbyist contributions, (2) a commitment to abolish "earmarks" permanently, (3) a commitment to support public financing of public elections, and (4) a commitment to compel transparency in the functioning of Congress. Once a candidate or Member selects the planks he or she supports, the site will give the candidate code to embed that pledge on the campaign website.
SO maybe this can be a popularity totem pole for them to clamor for and hopefully clean DC up in the same faction but first lets see who pledges, no?
More to come
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Back to it 3.2008
Did I miss anything? Oh wait:
But then out of the blue, like a shot that true:
Here I come to save the day!
I don;t know, I know Obamas right, but do people? The Media Machine if out there fucking shit up so bad, I wonder.
I am glad I had this as a tool, to convince my mother, brother and family to stay with Obama. Long time Republicans voting along with the rest of Cubans here in Miami, they never really saw too many side to the election and with the media pouring into this ridiculousness of this situation it gave me great pride that Mr. Obama came out and with a calm cool manner, to paraphrase Jon Stewart, speak to America like we were adults.
and with this video I help ebb some of the first struck anger, and justifiable outrage over Reverend Wright words, but I must tell you that it's not done:
The Spanish media, at least in Miami, if only seeing this one sided, and if the Obama campaign wants to make stride address them as the same as you addressed everyone in some way, We really need to. It's startling how little Latinos know about Mr. Obama, and how scary it is to see how this has been used in a very controlled and contrived Latin media market to make him look bad. I can hope you all do what you can to bring this message more so that we can understand as well as my family did of what happened.
How America's Banks Lost their Reputations
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Thursday, March 6, 2008
The $2-3 Trillion Nightmare; A Cheney-Bush production
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9/11 protester arrested after yelling at Bill Clinton
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Bush spends 452 days at Crawford ranch.
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Marc Andreessen endorses Barack Obama
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Clinton Campaign Threatens to Sue Texas Democratic Party
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Pelosi calls for grand jury to investigate key Bush staffers
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What's REALLY behind Hillary's "surge" of wins in TX OH RI?
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Clinton Needs 60% in Every Remaining State
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"I don’t think anybody I have talked to, whether they are a Hillary supporter, agnostic or an Obama supporter, wants to see this go to the convention, given the opportunity we have to capture the White House."
REPRESENTATIVE JOHN B. LARSON, of Connecticut, a Barack Obama backer.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Hillary Clinton Officially Wins Ohio and Texas

Obama still leads overall, but Hillary has won Ohio and TexasFUCK! So it's come to this!Time to crank up the the Doom Mech I had going....
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Washington Politicians Are Gutting America Like A Fish
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Gary Gygax, creator of D&D has passed.away at age 69
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Obama Now Leads in Texas AND Ohio According to Latest Polls
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Monday, March 3, 2008
Clinton PAYING black people to hold her signs in Texas
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Scientology taking hits online - Los Angeles Times
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Friday, February 29, 2008
For Obama, a Taste of What a Long Battle Holds
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Not lovin' it any more - McDonald's ad guru kills himself
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Scare Tactics? FISA
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"Too Hot To Fly" Girls Actually Removed for Extreme Rudeness
”I know, not political at all, but it goes to show that hopefully people will not put up with stupid cunty people thinking they can mouth off. I'm glad people are punishing someone who acts like an animal for no reason. Fuck them fuck their rights, and now please go die of AIDS.
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BLF does the AT&T billboard hack( video)
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Why I Called Fox News "Propoganda" Live on Fox News
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Thursday, February 28, 2008
How to turn white evangelicals into Democrats
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McCain: "The War Will Be Over Soon"
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Parts of 60 Minutes broadcast blocked in Alabama...
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Smoking Gun Video of Lobbyists Buying Govt. Contracts
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
EXCLUSIVE: 'Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?' Poster
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Follow the Bread Crumbs of a criminal
Lou Dobbs - NAFTA Superhighway 2/19/08
Look most of the time, I want to throw my own pooh at the TV when Lou Dobbs is on, but I have agree: what the fuck is this? How can it be that this can be laid on the citizens and thats it?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Time for Bill O'Racist to Resign in Disgrace
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CIA operation advocated by Obama successfully carried out
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Nader Announces Presidential Bid
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The Burn Bag. When shredding evidence just isn't enough
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Timeline Of Bush Admin's Politicization Of Terror, 2002-2008
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OMG Finally
Wow, this is a nice huge mudball of fucktards in this little board here (read the comments). AMAZING!
First, If you fall into this Liberal vs Conservative thing, you are mentally deficient.
Second, if you think FOX news, CNN, or MSNBC is "fair and Balanced" you need to to be administered some shock treatment.
Third, all you saw was somebody coming to the clear understanding that many of these news show and news channel are horrifically commercialized and stupid and respond to no problem what so ever. The American Press is a failure and has been for the last 10 years. These morning shows are just god awful commercials and this guy found out in the middle of his psat on one. Thats all.
Now go about your business.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I found the BEEF - Obama's Senate Record
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Hillary channels Bill
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?
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How “Flat Earth” News is Killing Journalism
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Why America needs the protections of the Clean Water Act
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The Round Mound of Rebound, Charles Barkley: GOP full of “fake Christians”
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John Cleese's Letter to America
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Possible Election Fraud in New York Primary
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Senate Approves Surveillance Bill, Preserves Telecom Immunit
So what does this mean?
Best said by Napoleaon16:They didn't just vote for immunity, they voted to allow WARRANT-LESS DOMESTIC SPYING. That's the bigger issue here.The Democrats did NOT have to even consider this bill. They had it within their power to table this unconstitutional legislation, yet they chose not to.Bush kidnapped and imprisoned American citizens and denied them both counsel and a day in court. Democrats legalized his actions with the Military Commissions Act; thus killing Habeas Corpus.Bush aimed America's spy satellites inward and gave access to regular law enforcement, all in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Democrats said "okay, just keep us informed about any future moves."Bush illegally spied on the electronic communications and financial transactions of tens of millions of Americans, without a warrant and without probable cause. Democrats legalized his actions.Bush and the Democrats are AGAINST us. Put your party politics aside for just one season and realize that. These people are colluding against our Constitutionally recognized rights. How many of you are going to continue apologizing for the president? How many are going to keep making excuses for the Democrats?These fuckers are in it together.
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Mexico's President with David Rockefeller & Fed's President
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Also if you read the story and see the comment you'll find some interesting thinking going on:
Wikipedia has a very detailed entry for David Rockefeller:
Some interesting bits:
An early connection he developed in the 1950s was with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles — who was an in-law of the family - since his college years, it was in Room 3603 in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal U.S. operation in the Center. He also knew and associated with the former CIA director Richard Helms, as well as Archibald Roosevelt, Jr., a Chase Bank employee and former CIA agent, whose cousin was the CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., involved in the Iran coup of 1953. Also, in 1953, he had befriended William Bundy, a pivotal CIA analyst for nine years in the 1950s, who became the Agency liaison to the National Security Council, and a subsequent lifelong friend. Moreover, in Cary Reich's biography of his brother Nelson, a former CIA agent states that David was extensively briefed on covert intelligence operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs, under the direction of David's "friend and confidant", CIA Director Allen Dulles.
In November 1979, while chairman of the Chase Bank, Rockefeller became embroiled in an international incident when he and Henry Kissinger, along with John J. McCloy and Rockefeller aides, persuaded President Jimmy Carter through the United States Department of State to admit the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into the United States for hospital treatment for lymphoma. This action directly precipitated what is known as the Iran hostage crisis and placed Rockefeller under intense media scrutiny (particularly from The New York Times) for the first time in his public life.
In 1965, Rockefeller and other senior businessmen formed the Council of the Americas to stimulate and support economic integration in the Americas. The Council subsequently played a key role in the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In 1992, at a Council sponsored forum, Rockefeller proposed a "Western Hemisphere free trade area", which subsequently became the Free Trade Area of the Americas in a Miami summit in 1994.
Some positions held/institutions founded during his lifetime: Chairman/Honorary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (Chairman: (1970-1985); Founder and Chairman/Honorary Chairman of the Council of the Americas (1963-); Class A Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Bohemian Club, San Francisco — Rockefeller and his son, David Jr., are members of the Stowaway Camp in the Bohemian Grove.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
McCain Sponsored S. 1003, Removal of Navajo Lands - Genocide
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Huge Scientology protest in Milwaukee WI (-40 temp)
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Obama slams Bush after misstates his foreign policy position
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The War on Pot: America's $42 Billion Annual Boondoggle
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• EXCLUSIVE! Pelosi & AIPAC put the Squeeze on KUCINICH!
Editor's note: 11 Feb. 2008 — Rep. Kucinich stated today that he denies the report here and that "The incident did not happen." We have contacted the source of the story and we're waiting for his response to this. When we get it, we'll post the source's answer here. As of 8pm Feb. 11th, we stand by the story.
— 3 February 2008 — Exclusive to New Jersey Impeach Groups - — We received a phone call today from a source in the Kucinich for President campaign, telling us there’s more to the story of Rep. Kucinich’s withdrawal than is publicly known. The source gave us permission to publish this, but without attribution. We can say the source is high up in the campaign. Most progressives are aware there’s been a large flood of money feeding a campaign by Cleveland City Council democrat Joe Cimperman, who seeks to win the primary for Dennis Kucinich’s seat in Ohio’s 10th congressional district, where Dennis has served the interests of working people for 6 consecutive terms — since 1996. Here’s the rest of the story, untold ‘til now. — Click the KUCINICH BANNER to read the rest —
Before the Nevada primary, Dennis was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC. They told Dennis that if he would drop his campaigns to impeach Cheney and Bush, they would guarantee his re-election to the House of Representatives.
Kucinich threw them out of his office.
Dennis now faces the toughest election campaign of his entire tenure in congress, with huge amounts of money being spent to turn his constituents against him due to “his neglect of his district while he ran for president.” Citizens should legitimately ask where Cimperman’s immense media warchest comes from.
So yes, Virginia, it is exactly as you suspected. This man the mainstream media say is not relevant, poses such a threat to the powers that be that they are hellbent to destroy him, and remove that troublemaker from congress.
It’s up to us, all who understand the crucial voice of Dennis Kucinich speaking up for justice and working to stop our country’s fall into fascist barbarity, to come forward to help him continue the peoples’ work. There’s no better time than right now, so go to CONTRIBUTE TO DENNIS KUCINICH. Help Dennis now. Help him TODAY.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sex workers get ‘more business’ at GOP
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Why We Love the Sweet Life
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Hell yeah we're back...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Noam Chomsky : Does public opinion count?
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Friday, January 11, 2008
Jon Stewart reacts to press coverage of Hillary crying
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US Medical System: The Worst in 19 Industrialized Nations
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Hillary did not win NH; Obama and Hillary tied for NH
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Fears of Obama Assassination Lead to Increased Security
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Paul Begala: Fox News: We Report Even if We Know It's False
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Monday, January 7, 2008
O'Reilly's bulldog crap
Why do they even think he's a reporter of any sort? He's a thug and bully, and the worst low-life type.
FOX Stock at 52 Week Low Due to Electioneering Charges
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McGovern’s Impeach Bush-Cheney Op-Ed in Washington Post
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How to Rig an Election: Convicted GOP Phone Jammer tells all
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Talk of Hillary exit engulfs campaign
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Liberals: This Is How You Roll When On FOXNews
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GOP Doubts, Fears 'Post-Partisan' Obama
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Huckabee on Gays and women’s rights: it's not pretty
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Programmer was asked to help rig Florida election
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All the Evidence You Need to Impeach Bush and Cheney
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The Politico: Fred Thompson may drop out
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